The Fam

The Fam

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Shout Out To All The Mom's Out There

My name is Camille Ward.  I am the wife of an LDS Bishop who is the love of my life.  We have five crazy kids who I devote my time and life to.  What I mean by that is that I am a stay at home mom by choice, rather than by default with a lack of better things to do.  I remember a few years ago my husband and I left town for a few days for our anniversary.  We were in the beautiful town of Ouray Colorado (which I seriously recommend as one of the most beautiful places I have ever been).  As we were walking through the town we met a few locals who asked us each what we "do".  I am always a little at a loss as to what to say when that happens because I just don't feel that there is a really great answer that sums up my job.  So I tried out a few throughout the day.  Here are some of my responses: " I am a professional monkey trainer"; "I am a character developer";  and my personal favorite, "I spend my life trying to help others become responsible and productive citizens of our country."  When people questioned me further I told them that actually means that I'm a stay at home mom.  It was great for a good laugh between us!  I really believe that whether mom's are home or working that their influence overarching.  I am always a little at a loss at the opinions of others where a mothers influence is  concerned, but alas, I can't control what others think.  What I can do, though, is write about my life (not that anyone is banging my door down to hear it).  Truthfully, it's just a story about life, and kids, and chaos, and love, and God, and trying to make it through this insane world together.  It's a story of mom's.  Myself, my mom, her mom.  No matter the station and situation in life that we are currently living, I hope it's a funny and thought provoking ride for all.

I was born to amazing parents who had already had four kids and were in the middle of, well, middle age.  When my mom found out she was pregnant she was shocked.  Actually, I don't think "shocked" even begins to scratch the surface of what she felt.  She had already begun the process of menopause and the children she already had ranged in age from 20 down to 11.  She was then 44 years old.  I think most women, when confronted with this situation would have felt similarly.  I believe that many of them would have considered abortion.  Though overwhelmed (and to be honest, a bit horrified) she never considered getting rid of me.  A decision which I will always adore her for.  Her pregnancy was terrible.  Just the usual suspects: weight gain, extreme fatigue, nausea.  She said that when they wheeled her into the delivery room she was loudly bemoaning her fate and when they wheeled her out she was loudly gushing about what a miracle children were.  Apparently the nurses got quite a kick out of her.  My mom is one of a kind.  Truthfully, having me was devastating to her health.  She could never get rid of the weight, and when I was only nine she found herself wheelchair bound due to a terrible autoimmune disease that would plague her the rest of her life.  In a world where women's bodies and personal happiness comes first, I honor my mother for choosing me.  I honor her for being selfless.  I have never heard her ever regret the decision she made, to do so would be going against her soul and everything she stands for and believes.  She is the definition of "Mother" in my opinion.  We live in a selfish world where so many put themselves before others...including mom's.  Perhaps that's part of what's wrong with our society.  We need more selflessness.  We need more kindness.  We need more Mothers.


  1. Although I'm not a mom, I sincerely admire (and envy) those who are... And you are truly one of the best examples of what a good-scratch that- GREAT mom is. Hope you don't mind if I stalk your blog.

  2. Thanks for starting a blog. These are the stories of childhood that I miss most from our humble beginnings in Taylorsville. Nobody can tell a story and get the laughs like Camille. I can't tell you how many times, I have retold your stories to my friends..."I have this friend who..." I will enjoy reading this blog.

  3. And SWEET! Your blog has determined that I am in fact NOT a robot.

    1. Go to level 4 you dang robot!! :) Good to hear from you James!
