The Fam

The Fam

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Bacchanalia of Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men

(This post was originally written on December 25, 2013).  
Alan and I cannot make it through Christmas without quoting that line of lines from “A Christmas Story” which is the title of this post. Especially as we see our kids in full Christmas-morning-rip-the-presents-open mode. The truth is that they are very good and very patient and very grateful on Christmas morning....but we still quote it...every year. This year we really did pay homage to little Ralphie in “A Christmas Story” by buying the 2013 version of the Red Ryder BB gun, air soft rifles, for two of our boys. If you’re not familiar with these then welcome to the club. Neither was I as recently as December 1st when I stumbled upon them on Amazon. Essentially, they are BB guns that shoot plastic pellets instead of metal ones. which is good for two reasons. First, no windows will be harmed. Secondly, no child will need a bullet extracted from their body when the desire to shoot at each other triumphs over the desire for peace on earth, good will towards men, or brotherly love, or whatever you call that thing that prompts you to not hurt each other. As we knew that these boys would go through thousands of bullets in hot pursuit of targets, we purchased 5,000 extra BB's for them. Within one hour of outside play the canister of 5,000 BB's was spilled into every crevice between the boards of our back porch.  Which, as fate would have it, was the exact size to keep any of the BB's from falling through, but also the exact size to keep you from easily picking any of them out.  The next hour was spent in family time....crawling around with dustpans, paintbrushes, butter knives, and other extraction tools in hot pursuit of REALLY IMPORTANT plastic balls....thousands of them. We looked like a team of archaeologists uncovering a new species of yellow pellets. Bless us.
Other than that, the day was spent just being together. Games were played. Bicycles were assembled. I cleaned the house. More games were played. Food was prepared and devoured. I cleaned the house. Good times were had by all! That night we broke out another favorite Christmas movie of ours that our kids have never seen, “While You Were Sleeping”. We drank egg nog as we laughed our way through the movie. I realized anew how much fun it is to have my kids a little older and be able to share some things with them, like movies, that we love. In the morning they all woke up and commented that the house was so clean. They asked when I had done it. I told them that it was while they were sleeping. 

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